"Advice dedicated to young and future parents on buying their YOYO stroller"

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The dimensions of
the YOYO stroller

The YOYO Stroller,
The smallest on the market when folded and unfolded, and it can go on the plane!

Dimensions of the YOYO Babyzen stroller

What are the dimensions of the YOYO ?

There are two dimensions to consider.

The folded dimension of the YOYO stroller.


The unfolded dimension of the YOYO stroller.

In both cases, it’s the best on the market.

Indeed, it is the smallest in its stroller category but also the easiest to fold.

I’ll let you explore the site menu and discover my numerous crash tests of the YOYO in the car, train, and even the plane.

It goes where other strollers cannot go.

Yes, because the YOYO stroller is approved to go as a carry-on baggage on the plane.

YOYO 2 Babyzen stroller folded with a cabin suitcase next door

Dimensions of the folded YOYO stroller

The folded YOYO Babyzen stroller measures:

20.5 in length

17.3 in width

7.1 in height

With these dimensions, the YOYO stroller is even smaller than a carry-on suitcase.

The YOYO will therefore be accepted in the carry-on baggage of your plane, train…

Plus, don’t forget to consider the space a stroller can take up at your home!

With the YOYO, optimize your storage space at home.

YOYO Babyzen stroller unfolded next to a cabin suitcase

Dimensions of the unfolded YOYO stroller

The unfolded YOYO Babyzen stroller measures:

41.7 in height

33.8 in width

17.3 in length (for the 0+ and 6+ pack) / 37.8 in length (with the bassinet).

In terms of width, if you can pass through somewhere, then the stroller can too.

You will NEVER have the worry of wondering, can I pass with the stroller ?

Also, remember that the stroller’s handlebar can fold, allowing you to store the stroller under the stairs.

Why is the YOYO so popular ?
Here are the other major advantages
of the YOYO