"Advice dedicated to young and future parents on buying their YOYO stroller"

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The YOYO Stroller in the Underground

YOYO stroller in the subway underground

After discussing how to take the train with the Yoyo stroller, let’s talk about the underground.

You’re in luck because I’ve also taken the tube with my Yoyo in Paris, Rennes, and Barcelona.

Unlike the train, taking the underground involves much shorter journeys.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry about storing or folding the YOYO because you can remain standing with it.

Imagine yourself with a carry-on suitcase in the metro.

Does that sound good to you?

Well, with your YOYO stroller in the metro, you won’t even notice the difference.

In fact, the YOYO is even more maneuverable than your suitcase.

But, by the way,
Who am I ?

“A 30-year-old young dad,

embarking on the beautiful adventure of parenthood

and daily joy with my two wonderful children.

A dad who, like you, was discovering the world of parenthood three years ago.

Now, it’s my turn to help you ;)”

The YOYO Babyzen,
In Transportation

Does the stroller also fit in other modes of transportation?

Well, I’ve tested a variety of transports with the Babyzen.

Check it out for yourself below 😊